CARY LEIBOWITZ | Prequel Nyquil

CL17 1
Cary Leibowitz
They Only Put Up With Me Because I’m Colorful, 2016
Latex paint on wood panel
66 x 46 inches

CL17 2
Cary Leibowitz
Please Don’t Tell Anyone You Saw Me, 2016
Latex paint on wood panel
66 x 46 inches

CL17 5
Cary Leibowitz
Sorry I Thought You Said Pull The Trigger, 2016
Latex paint on wood panel
40.5 x 24.5 inches

CL17 8
Cary Leibowitz
That Color Really Takes off 10 lbs, 2016
Latex paint on wood panel
24 x 10.75 inches / 24 x 9 inches

CL17 12
Cary Leibowitz
I Can’t Think of Anything That Ryhmes with Loser, 2016
Latex paint on wood panel
48.5 x 22 inches

CL17 13
Cary Leibowitz
Greta Gerwig, 2016
Latex paint on wood panel and custom mittens
70 inch diameter